FBI Director Christopher Wray refused to provide the unclassified FD-1023 when demanded by Congressional oversight committees. Only under the threat of criminal contempt of Congress did Wray partially relent. Wray allowed a small number of oversight members to view a highly-redacted copy of the unclassified document in secure room (SCIF).
One of the many redactions hid the existence of the 17 smoking-gun audio tapes. Senator Grassley learned of the content of this redaction from a whistleblower, who has likely been exterminated by the FBI’s hitmen.
Despite public knowledge of the bribery case, the FBI continues to stonewall Congress, as documented in this Zero Hedge report from earlier today.
This makes Joe Biden the first US president to have been provably involved in a cash-for-policy bribe.
Yet, not a single mainstream news outlet has reported on the crime of the millennium. New York Times, Washington Post, USAToday, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS refuse to allow mention of Biden’s felony. I haven’t checked, by you can assume that Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tik Tok censor any mention of Biden’s bribes. Thus, Tucker Carlson was correct in lamenting that the American people are least informed people in the world —- probably in history.
What’s more, the DOJ rushed to indict Trump on the day the proof of Biden’s corruption broke. This was an intentional move by Biden, AG Merrick Garland, and prosecuting thug Jack Smith to give the media cover. Biden ordered the phony arrest of his leading political opponent in order to whitewash news of his own felony.
This is why I say “the republic has fallen.” At this moment, the United States does not have a government open to the public, nor is the United States a nation of laws. We obey the arbitrary rule of other men who were never elected to anything—the Deep State, the administrative state, the bureaucracy, whatever you want to call it.
Yet, most Americans are unaware that the head of this government takes bribes from foreigners to change US policy.
This is why we are funding Ukraine’s war against Russia, but this is also why Joe Biden is president. The FBI had the goods on him, and they could force him to their bidding. In this sense, Joe Biden, through his own sin, has become a victim—a slave to the Deep State.
And now you know why the FBI must be abolished and all former FBI employees barred from any position of trust in the United States. I am sure some good, innocent people will be swept up in that broad dragnet, but those good, innocent people did not speak up when they should have. They followed orders and did their jobs, like the good Germans in the 1930s.
Most importantly, God chose us to inhabit this continent at the moment in time when the United States republic was surreptitiously replaced by an evil empire. We must ask ourselves, “why?” and ask God, “what is my mission?”
Remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood. The source of the FBI’s power is not the Constitution or the laws of the country, but preternatural forces who seek the ruin of souls.
Pray for clarity in your mission. Pray for understanding of why God put you in the middle of this historical collapse of freedom. Only personal divine inspiration will show you and me the way out. God sees in you the strength, character, and resolve needed for this crisis. If He didn’t, you wouldn’t be here now.