· Meat has been a celebrated food staple since the dawn of mankind. Never has anyone needed to justify the eating of animal protein — until now.
· According to the global cabal that is working toward a complete monopoly of the food supply, the eating of meat is at the core of manmade climate change and has to stop.
· In addition to calls for an outright ban on meat consumption, other coercive strategies have also been proposed, such as changing agricultural subsidies and trade laws, changing diets in hospitals and schools, adding warning labels, education (read, propaganda) and various taxes, including specific taxes on meat and more generalized carbon taxes.
· According to researchers at Oxford University, meat and dairy production are responsible for 60% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the agricultural sector. They also claim cattle use 83% of available farmland while delivering only 18% of calories and 37% of dietary protein.
· But environmental concerns cannot be the only consideration. Human health must also be considered, and researchers warn we know virtually nothing about the long-term health effects of cultured and plant-based meat alternatives. One recent investigation discovered that plant-based meats contain high amounts of antinutrients that prevent your body’s absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc, which could result in problematic nutritional deficiencies.