Kennedy added Sunday, “I think what the DNC did to New Hampshire is also unfortunate.” New Hampshire has held the nation’s first primary ever since primaries started to matter, but no longer. The DNC has moved South Carolina to the first position. RFK explained that this was done to protect Old Joe from slipping on yet another banana peel: “President Biden didn’t do well there [New Hampshire]; he came in fifth. So they took New Hampshire, and they kicked it out of first place. And now they’re gonna say — they’re saying that they’re going to completely remove the delegates from New Hampshire, and that, we should be at this point in history.” Completely remove the delegates from New Hampshire? What better way to protect “our democracy” than to disenfranchise whole segments of it?
RFK criticized the move, asserting that New Hampshire was “an exemplar for American democracy.” He detailed why the tiny New England state is perfect for holding the first presidential primary: “It’s very cheap to campaign in. And it has the largest independent bloc in the country. And people [don’t] make their minds up until they see the candidates again and again and again, and they shake the candidate’s hands five times before deciding who to vote for. They vet these candidates for the whole country, they vet them like you would get vetted if you were running for a city council seat.” That sounds like the way a healthy republic should function, so it’s no surprise that the Democrats would be against it.
Kennedy stated that these were ill-considered moves for the Democrats to make, as people already distrust the system and their rigging efforts here are transparent: “When you have so many Americans who are concerned about election integrity, we should be doing everything we can in our party to show that, you know, this is not rigged, rigged system. That it is actually democracy…people can run, and that they can get to debate and that the public is gonna be able to see them, and they’re doing kind of the opposite.” Of course they are, because they don’t really believe in the democracy (yes, it’s really a republic) that they claim so loudly and repeatedly to be guarding and protecting.
“There’s too many Americans,” Kennedy concluded, “who already think that the whole system is rigged against them. And this is confirmation of that. And I think that’s troubling.” It sure is.