It’s a tale between two types of cities, where elected officials believe that the rule of law and public safety are the foundations of a free and prosperous society; versus another type of cities where elected officials fail to uphold the law, refuse to enforce the law, and blame those who follow the law, from police to small businesses, as the causes of crime.
In Miami, we chose differently. We took a very different path from these other cities. We increased funding for our police, growing our police department to its largest in our history. The result: crime dropped to one of its lowest levels in Miami’s history. We deployed the most advanced technology that we could afford to equip our police and to protect our residents.
Today, Miami enjoys the lowest per capita homicide rate since 1964. Because public safety is everyone’s responsibility, we worked with community partners and law enforcement to ensure that every crime is prosecuted, every victim is protected, and every case commands the best technology to convict criminals.