There is still no clear indication from authorities as to why transgender shooter Audrey Hale's manifesto must remain hidden from public view, but the Health Ranger thinks it has to do with Big Pharma and its mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs – and particularly the kind that transgenders take to “transition” into another gender.
More than likely, Hale's manifesto is loaded with the insane ramblings of a relatively young LGBT whose mind became so warped from all the gender-bender drugs she was taking to become her “true self” that she ultimately snapped and took out her gender dysphoria on six innocent Christians – three adults and three children.
In the Health Ranger's view, the transgender obsession that is taking over the minds of many young Americans is, in part, a Big Pharma plot to gain new market share. Since the pharmaceutical industry ran out of actual sick people to treat, it is now making new ones by brainwashing the nation's youth into believing they were born into the wrong bodies.
“Most people in the world don't use pharmaceutical medicine,” the Health Ranger stated in a recent Health Ranger Report (HRR) segment about the missing Hale manifesto, which you can watch at below. “But Big Pharma has a stranglehold on Western nations.”
“And Big Pharma is constantly looking for new profit centers because, well, they can no longer make enough money by just treating sick people, so they have to treat people who aren't sick and then make them sick, and that's what vaccines are all about – it's about making you sick with a toxic injection and earning money by treating the sickness.”