SatanCon 2023 is fast approaching, and intercessors from across America say they feel led by God to travel to Boston to witness to the thousands of Satanists who will be in attendance for what has been billed as the “largest satanic gathering in history.”
The gathering, scheduled to take place in downtown Boston on April 28-30, is being toted as “Hexennacht in Boston,” a German phrase that means “Witches Night in Boston.”
The event is being held intentionally in Bean Town in response to Boston Mayor Michelle Wu not allowing satanic invocations at city events. The temple sued the city for denying its request in July 2021 to raise its flag at Boston City Hall in honor of Satan Appreciation Week.
The regional leaders in Boston for Intercessors For America (IFA) — Scottish sisters Suzie and Lynn MacAskill — say hundreds of believers from several denominations will come together in unity, not to pray the event away, but instead pray for revival to break out amongst the attendees in Jesus' name.
Suzie MacAskill revealed that God changed her prayers about the event.
“I initially went to prayer with a preconceived idea that God would want this to be prayed away. It was following this assumption that I was awakened through the night with a clear sense of 'This is My harvest field,'” Suzie MacAskill told The Christian Post.
“Since truly seeking God's will for this event, and not coming with my own ideas, I believe I've been able to more clearly hear of His love for those who are lost and His strategy for praying for this event,” she added.
The prayer leader joined IFA, which has “half a million prayer warriors,” in 2022. She says this particular petition challenged her not to look at the external appearance and make judgments based on what she sees.