I have never been more convinced that wokeism in all its forms is a religious cult. It is irrational, non-scientific, and goes against every aspect of God and nature’s law. Yet, millions of people believe it and spread and enforce it with a zealous fervor that rivals the fastest-spreading movements of history. Except, it’s far worse than any religion, including my friend’s, because of the trail of divisiveness and destruction it leaves in its wake. My friend and I are still friends because we can separate that aspect from the rest of our lives, agree to disagree, and focus on the things that bring us together. In that sense, his branch of Christianity isn’t as bad as many other cults. With wokeness, like those divisive cults, there is no such thing as agreeing to disagree. Like the most despotic cult leader or king, wokeness demands total fealty, and dissent is not tolerated.
To woke leftists, dissidents aren’t just people with a different opinion; they are evil enemies to be exposed and punished for their heresy. No branch of Christianity has been quite like that since I don’t know … the Spanish Inquisition? In fact, unlike Islam, Christian zealot movements of any kind haven’t seen real political power anywhere in hundreds of years. Woke leftists, on the other hand, control almost all large private, public, and political institutions across the entire West and are angling for far more. They are even attempting to undermine – quite successfully – what’s left of Christianity.
As such, it has never been more critical to bring as many people out of this destructive cult as possible. But how? I know people change their minds and come out of both religious cults and quasi-religious woke cults. It happens, but it’s not easy, nor is it commonplace. Over the years, I’ve come to believe that the same deprogramming techniques used to extract people from religious cults and extremist groups should also be used to extract those we know and love from the woke cult. Because they are essentially the same thing.
Conservative commentator and presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy recently described wokeism, and its sister ideologies of climateism and gender ideology, as “secular religions” that are “symptoms of a deeper cancer: a loss of purpose, meaning, and identity.” Wokeism has replaced Christianity for a vast portion of the global population who long ago abandoned any belief in or obeisance to a power greater than themselves. But in the absence of a creator God, humans, deep down, still want to worship something. Too bad what they’re worshiping now is a fantasy more unrealistic than any “sky god” caricature a mocking atheist could possibly conjure up.