Following the leak of alleged classified Pentagon documents, the response from the media – and from the legislators – is not to prevent the misleading of the American people, but to guarantee it in the future.
With the recent leak of alleged classified Pentagon documents comes a further escalation in the information war. The response from the U.S. national security state is to take drastic measures to prevent another dangerous outbreak of factual information from ever happening again.
Introduced into the Senate in early March, the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act has been described as the “online Patriot Act.”
Drafted by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence – effectively the legislative branch of the U.S. secret state – it is a demonstration of the influence of a permanent bureaucracy determined to increase its own freedom and power – at the expense of that of the American people.
Damage control
As NBC reported on April 12:
The Biden administration is looking at expanding how it monitors social media sites and chatrooms after U.S. intelligence agencies failed to spot classified Pentagon documents circulating online for weeks…
The possible change in the intelligence-gathering process is just one potential shift as officials scramble to determine not only how the documents leaked but also how to prevent another damaging incident.
The “damaging incident” is the transmission of facts to the American people.
A narrative of lies
As reported by LifeSiteNews, Tucker Carlson argued that these revelations show that the American people have been lied to over Ukraine. Russia is not losing. The U.S. is directly involved in the warfighting – and no permission to wage war has been granted by Congress. Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, has lied to congress in saying the Russians are losing.
These actions are illegal, and further demonstrate the fact that to the U.S. national security state, the enemy is their own people.
Yet this is not the scandal. The problem here is that the people discovered the truth – for a change – and that this must not be allowed to happen again.
Concealing corruption
The information war is being fought against the populations of the West – by its own governments and the agencies and factions which control them.
The price for telling the truth is prison. Perhaps Seymour Hersh will be next, for telling the world that the CIA is colluding with Volodymyr Zelensky to steal American aid money.
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His recent post relates how CIA director George Burns visited Ukraine in January to warn Zelensky over the theft of 400 million dollars. This money was donated by the U.S. to buy fuel for Ukrainian tanks.
Zelensky has reportedly been buying cheap diesel and skimming off vast profits. Who did he buy this from? The Russians. The director of the CIA did not object to the theft of the money, nor from its use in buying fuel from the Russians. The problem was that Zelensky was taking too much money for himself, leaving his own generals angry at their paltry share.
The dimension of lies and corruption present in this war is staggering.
Shooting the message
The response from the media – and from the legislators – is not to prevent the misleading of the American people, but to guarantee it in the future. That this new legislation is reported as a “TikTok ban” is simply another means of deception – for measures which are actually intended to dramatically reduce freedom of speech.
This narrative states that the RESTRICT Act is to combat Chinese infiltration through social media. Yet the ambiguously broad wording of the bill would prohibit personal measures to guarantee privacy as threats to national security.
Strengthening censorship
As tech policy analyst Willmary Escoto told the left-leaning Vice, The act could “criminalize the use of a VPN [virtual private network]” – a tool used by many to maintain anonymity.
Many individuals and organizations, including journalists, activists, and human rights defenders, use VPNs to protect their online activity from surveillance and censorship. The RESTRICT Act would expose these groups to monitoring and repression, which could have a chilling effect on free speech and expression.
The aim of the national security state is to prevent the American people from seeing anything but propaganda. This is an escalation of the information war, which is the means of controlling populations by the manufacture of an approved version of reality.
An attempt at total surveillance
As I have reported before, social media is largely a function of the intelligence services. Facebook was launched on the same day that DARPA – the Defense Advanced Research and Projects Agency – canceled its mass surveillance model “LifeLog.” The reason? The deliberate creation of a total surveillance tool was highly controversial, despite being branded as a measure to maximize safety – and national security.
DARPA decided to make mass surveillance voluntary. They canceled their intrusive project, and it was relaunched on the same day as an exciting opt-in service which harvested all your private data.
The creator of DARPA’s Lifelog, Douglas Gage, said to Vice in 2015, “I think that Facebook is the real face of pseudo-LifeLog at this point.”
As the Twitter Files showed, Facebook was not alone. Twitter itself, along with Google and other platforms, were staffed and “advised” by former and serving members of the U.S. intelligence agencies – effectively making social media an arm of the national security state.
This influence was not merely used to record the opinions and behavior of the users – but also to decide precisely what they were permitted to know.
The example of narrative enforcement over COVID is simply the most obvious, in a coordinated system of information management – an attempt at total propaganda. This latest measure is a means of moving towards complete control of online information.
Ignorance is strength
The recent revelations and their framing in the media demonstrate that the enemy of the secret state is a well-informed people.
The controversy in all the foregoing revelations is that they happened – not what they reveal. CBS, which was itself censured for its documentary detailing how two thirds of weapons sent to Ukraine are sold on the black market, reported on March 24:
There’s no evidence that TikTok is being used maliciously, nor that propaganda is being funneled through the app…
Not only is there no evidence that TikTok is a threat – removing it from app providers will not help.
Experts say that, without restricting data collection more broadly, changing TikTok’s owner is unlikely to accomplish much.
The “TikTok ban” is another Chinese balloon, floated to misdirect the American people. The RESTRICT act is not about restricting Chinese influence, but of the free and anonymous access to uncensored information.
Its aim is to protect Americans – from the facts about the actions of their own secret state.