She then educated Reid on the racist roots of abortion and Planned Parenthood:
To me, abortion is as evil as slavery. It truly is. And when you look at the founding of Planned Parenthood and who Margaret Sanger was, you look at her research she was a woman who believed in eugenics. She was a woman who believed in the purification of the race, and she didn't want certain women to reproduce. I find that legacy to be deeply problematic.
Reid deflected from that uncomfortable truth by claiming “The vast majority of women, are not eugenicists. Most people probably don't even know who Margaret Sanger is. Most women just want control of their own bodies.”
The racist legacy of Planned Parenthood sadly lives on, as over 20 million black babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide in 1973.
Despite what abortionists say, the science is crystal clear that life begins at conception. Every abortion is the murder of innocent human life. That is something the pro-aborts like Reid either don’t know or don’t care about.