America is in serious trouble.
Back in 2012, I wrote a book called, IMPLOSION: Can America Recover From Its Economic and Spiritual Challenges In Time?
In exacting detail, I described how far Americans had drifted from our Judeo-Christian roots, how aggressively Americans were rejecting our Biblical heritage, and how much danger we were in of causing God to stop blessing us and to instead turn His back on us.
In the book, I asked readers to focus on one specific number: 53 million.
Since 1973, “Americans have aborted more than 53 million children since 1973,” I wrote then.
Then I added this: “How long do you think the Creator and Sustainer of life will bless the United States rather than judge and punish us when we take the lives of well over one million innocent children every year?”
Now, remember, Implosion was published in 2012.
That was 11 years ago.
As of 2023, Americans have murdered more than 63 million babies.
Do you really believe we can go much longer before facing the judgment of God?
It’s amazing that we haven’t faced it already.
It’s not just abortion, of course.
It’s pornography. Sexual abuse. Rape. Divorce. Theft. Murder. Racial hatred. Discrimination. Cruelty. Political divisions of the most extreme kind.
The list of America’s sins is long – and it’s getting longer.
This is why I have to say that the state of our union is not strong.