Yesterday, an abandoned two-year-old boy was found by himself on the Texas Southern border by a Texas State Police officer.
In what can only be described as a heartbreaking scene, the little boy was found wearing jeans and a lightweight jacket and wearing nothing more than a backpack with a toy, hat, and note inside. Around the boy’s neck is a makeshift ID that tells his age and country of origin. As he opens the note, the TX State Trooper notices a toy and hat in his backpack and says, “Basically, instructions on where he wants to go. He’s got his cell phone— address—looks like Louisiana; that’s where he’s supposed to go.” He continues to explain the note he found in the little boy’s backpack, “Basically, directions on where he wants to go.”
The TX State Police officer appears to be sending information about the boy back to a home base on his radio when a voice can be heard saying, “We found migrants giving themselves up.”A pregnant woman who had just crossed the border with a group of CHINESE illegal aliens who were brought over by coyotes found the young boy “with a card around his neck,” the police officer explains. Another person in the background, who is possibly another TX State Police officer, can be heard saying the boy is “2 years old man, and by himself,” and it appears the boy is from “Honduras,” as well.
What kind of monster sends a toddler across the border with nothing more than the clothes on his back, a hat, and a note about which state he should be sent to if/when he is found?