This is pretty dire for our ministry……
As you know people are dying left and right suddenly so I guess I will address that first…recently we did a mail out newsletter which should gain support right and of course it is meant to keep people informed….
We had a noticeable amount of newsletters return….you guess it some it said died others who had been on our list many years…just returned address no good and no forwards…That hurt funding!
Then the back and forth I have played with the radio station about having guests because of problems..and the producer has just lost his wife to sudden death which he has not really pulled up from…So I had not be able to have guests on except those that have Skype!
So with radio being a tossup no new supporters have came in with old ones going away which I guess many simply died!
Have I fixed the radio problem…? Yes I think so but still need to buy some longer cables so we can produce in-office and then even increase due to being able to podcast out live to several places..Guests I pray will bring support back in…
And I get several pay pal-donations in which helps me on Tuesdays and Fridays, in fact my gas for the ministry truck come from this and it takes me basically for gas and expenses each day $100…we have to use the truck in order to haul donated food etc……
On of two people whom donate on a weekly basis just told me that he is in trouble because his amounts cannot afford to pay him…so I can see that this donation looks like it could be in trouble…$200 a week that would kill my gas funds etc….
So I need prayers badly, please pray this
That the weekly supporters accounts start paying our supporter
More funds come back to the Ministry
Radio production get’s worked out
Pay Pal donation increase!
Mission Church
We fed 114 plates of food out Tuesday, along with a truck load of food we gave out to the people…Prayers were given to some, like how many times have you had to hug and hold a person that is dying soon of cancer and wanting miracle? Of for the healing of a man or woman who was just assaulted needing love and medication? I have people that have known us many years come back just for prayers and not even food and clothing just prayers! They want love and miracle….
Sometimes again they just want to be held and showed love and I do not hesitate as it YAHWEH’S LOVE they feel not mine….
We have a lot of people that need us depend on us for some much more than food, like now prayers in a hospital and a funeral…..We need prayers, yes our prayers work but it sure helps when you pray also
One way or another I pray we make it, the Devil hates people getting the FATHER’S Love we have spent 23 years doing this and many people have been blessed!
Also keep in mind we pray for many of you and very effective prayers, Satan the forces of EVIL etc would love to see that stopped!
Video Tuesday
In HIS Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
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Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry
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230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Mission Church Address
900 south Broadway, Wichita Kansas 67211
Phone 316-619-4886 (Text first if possible)