How has our culture slipped to the point that a popularly televised event—the Grammys—would feature and elevate satanic ritual? How could we be “steamrolled” by such an event? What does this say about a nation that once designated itself as being “under God”? The answer: significant changes in what I call “the Consensus Establishment.”
Such a group of elites exists in every society. They come into agreement about what the worldview and values of the society should be, propagandize the culture with the concepts and practices that express the new belief system, and ultimately are able to go visual by public declaration in one form or another.
The elites who comprise a Consensus establishment are often people others want to emulate, from revolutionary leaders to celebrities.
In ancient Babylon in the period when Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were imprisoned there, the Consensus established was called “The Chaldeans” because of the strength, dominance, and influence in forming the society. King Nebuchadnezzar called upon the Chaldeans to instruct Daniel and the other Hebrew slaves. He wanted them to be immersed in the culture, values, and worldview of Babylon and its ruling regime.
At great danger, Daniel resisted.
So there are “culture-forming Chaldeans” in contemporary societies, including America. In a past era, the Consensus Establishment consisted of the Church, the Family, and Education. Decades of opposition have worn down that establishment so that these are weakened and pushed out of the public square. When such a process exerted itself in 18th-century Scotland, one of the nation’s leaders warned, “you will chip away and chip away until there is nothing left of what makes Scotland Scotland!