The World Economic Forum is now calling for people to have the right to marry animals in an effort to promote diversity and inclusion.
Spain is the first country to pass new legislation taking huge strides towards the initiative. This isn’t surprising when you consider the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is both an avowed socialist and a World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor. Within Sanchez’s socialist government, the pro-zoophilia law was pushed by WEF-affiliate Ione Belarra Urteaga, the minister of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda.
That’s right, Spain is so infiltrated by the WEF they actually have a Minister for the 2030 Agenda.
The world was on a slippery slope with all the gender and pedophilia craziness, but Spain’s new Animal Welfare Law that decriminalizes having sex with animals is a whole new level of crazy.
The new law states: “The person who by any means or procedure mistreats a domestic or tamed animal, an animal that is usually domesticated, an animal that temporarily or permanently lives under human control outside of legally regulated activities including acts of a sexual nature, causing injuries that require veterinary treatment to the restoration of its health, shall be subject to a minimum of three months up to a maximum of 18 months in prison.”
This essentially means that as long as there isn’t a physical injury that requires veterinary treatment, people are free to have sex with animals.
If this isn’t disturbing enough, the WEF has ordered the mainstream media to begin pushing the narrative in other countries. Make no mistake, this isn’t just about Spain. They want to roll this sickness out across the world.