But news just came out that has shocked Americans. As the border rages, what do you think Democrats are really worried about? Instead of defending our border, they are going to great lengths to deport an actual legal citizen.
From Twitter:
BREAKING: Prominent attorneys are investigating whether Elon Musk lied on his application for U.S. citizenship. If it shows that he lied anywhere on the application, its likely he could be stripped of his of U.S. citizenship and deported.
Why are liberal attorneys trying to find ways to deport Musk? Has he broken any laws? None that we know of. He is an American citizen who runs several successful companies. On top of that, he employs thousands of Americans and is a well-known innovator.
Yet he recently bought Twitter, ended the site’s censorship policies, and exposed Democrats for colluding with the social network to meddle in the 2020 election.
Oh! That’s why Democrats are so angry with Elon Musk. And why they are reportedly trying to ruin him. Previously, Democrats in D.C. talked about investigating Musk, accusing him of taking foreign investment money (something Disney and every other company does, but aren’t investigated over).
Users pointed out that Elon Musk has a security clearance with the DOD for his work with SpaceX. That resulted in a disclaimer being added to this tweet by the community.