The finest military equipment in the world is toothless if it is not manned by the finest personnel. And the U.S. military tooth is being hollowed out at its core by woke, corrupt, and incompetent leadership.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered a worldwide U.S. military stand-down to address “extremism” in the ranks. He was responsible for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.
Climate change, Covid 19, and extremism in the ranks are all strategic dangers, according to Austin. What about China, Russia, and Iran? What about aging Navy and Air Force ships and planes? Instead of forcing service people to have Wuhan Virus injections that are not scientifically justified or proven safe, he should be concerned about the dangerous drop in recruitment and retention numbers.
A beginning indicator of woke military leadership occurred after Maj. Nadal Hasan murdered 13 fellow American soldiers in 2009 at Ft. Hood, Killeen, Texas.
A general spokesperson decried the murders but added that the most important factor is maintaining military “diversity.” Nothing was mentioned about Hasan’s Islamic faith driving him to kill infidels. Hasan was a “ticking time bomb” for promulgating Islamic terror, according to fellow officers. Yet his fitness reports did not reflect Hasan’s advocacy; on the contrary, he was promoted to Major.
Wokeness is corrupting all segments of American society but is particularly pernicious in the military culture of top-down management and the implementation of the policy by enlisted men and women.
The military was the first American societal segment to be desegregated, and the only colors that mattered were red, white, and blue. Now tribal headgear is allowed, skin color is a major factor in promotions, and politically correct thought is demanded.
CRT, or Critical Race Theory, is a Marxist theory that race is a social construct, instead of biology, used to oppress people of color (POC).
Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, defended teaching CRT at West Point and other academies in order to understand “white rage.” What about “black rage”? Brown rage? Yellow rage? Red rage?