Conclusion ; This led me to three preliminary conclusions that require further investigation:
1. Excess Covid deaths were not caused by the virus which is seasonal and not mitigated by social distancing “measures”.
3. Excess all-cause deaths resulted from interference with natural defences that rely on sunlight exposure and social interactions as well as a thriving economy.
5. Excess Covid deaths were the result of pre-existing quality of healthcare and relative change in that quality, i.e., disruption which was felt more acutely in the wealthier nations that had better systems.
7. Post-vax excess deaths due to Covid are caused by the mRNA experiment and any alleged benefit in mitigating Covid deaths, at best, is mitigated by an equal increase in non-Covid excess deaths. The greater incidence of death is due to poorer nations being less well-equipped to deal with the additional burden of disease caused directly and indirectly by the “vaccine”, as well as potentially poorer levels of metabolic health.
Note: As speculative as this may seem, the burden of proof is on those who promoted social distancing measures and genetic vaccination to demonstrate that those actions were not responsible for causing more avoidable death than they potentially saved.