“A time is coming,” said St. Anthony the Great way back in the fourth century, “when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.’” And here we are. Fox News reported Friday that “students at the University of Southern Maine (USM) are demanding that their professor be replaced for saying that only two sexes exist.”
The students, drunk on the Left’s fantasies and propaganda about there being a multiplicity of genders, actually got up and walked out of professor Christy Hammer’s graduate education class en masse, because she dared to state the simple and obvious truth that cuts against the way they wish the world to be: There are only two biological sexes, male and female.
In response, instead of telling the students that they should stop denying the obvious and try to reconcile themselves to reality, university officials acceded to their demand to hold what the Bangor Daily News called a “facilitated restorative justice meeting.” Adamantine in their delusions, the students demanded that Hammer be fired. USM professors who believe that water is wet and that human beings cannot get along without breathing air are trembling; they could be next.
Oddly enough, in today’s carnival academic environment, USM declined to bring the hammer down on Hammer. However, it did bow to the slavering crazies enough to make an “alternative, identical class” available to the students who remain defiant in their insanity. USM spokesperson Gina Marie Guadagnino explained, “We have developed an alternative plan for this class and will be opening a new section of this course for those students who would like to move.” Sane students, however, will still be able to take Hammer’s class: “The original section taught by professor Hammer will continue for any student who wishes to remain in that class.” It will be interesting to see how many students choose each option.
The fantasists, however, are predictably fascist and are not placated just by being given a playpen in which they can play pretend at will. They still want Hammer’s head on a platter — figuratively, right? Right? USM student Elizabeth Leibiger, who was behind the walkout, declared, “I think that the next step USM needs to take is being clear what accountability will look like for Christy Hammer.”