WASHINGTON D.C.- Democrats are making yet another step towards corporate gun control by requesting that shipping giants cease shipping firearms.
U.S Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Ct), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Edward Markey (D-MA), and Christopher Murphy (D-Ct) signed a letter that was sent to at least 27 carriers across the United States and Canada. The letter said:
“We are concerned that lax shipping security measures are contributing to the epidemic of gun violence in in this country by allowing criminals to use stolen firearms to commit crimes.”
The letter also asked carriers to respond to probing questions such as:
“How many firearms has the carrier shipped between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2021?”
“How does the carrier define a ‘firearm?”
IT went as far as:
“Are ‘imitation firearms, frames, receivers, ammunition, and silencers’ included in that definition?”
Ghost Rifles, a Daytona, Florida based gun dealer, was notified on June 20th of this year that their account was canceled and UPS would no longer be willing to ship an item if it isn’t serialized.
Ghost Rifles offers a large variety of gun accessories including uppers and lowers for AR-15’s and AR-17’s as well as the infamously referred to “ghost gun” which is an unfinished receiver of an AR.
According to an interview with Free Range American, Ghost Riles owner Joe Zatar said, “We are in total compliance. We had ATF here just two weeks ago, and they told us we were completely legal.”
This change in policy with UPS put tens of thousands of dollars in product that had been shipped immediately prior to this change in jeopardy of being seized and destroyed.