A total of 171,463 adverse reactions, 14,262 hospitalizations and 2,828 deaths were linked to 4,522 Pfizer lot numbers, while 188,998 adverse reactions, 10,225 hospitalizations and 2,603 deaths were linked to 5,510 Moderna lot numbers.
Ninety-six percent of the Pfizer vaccine lots had zero death reports, which meant that the 2,828 vaccine deaths linked to it came from four percent of the batches. Meanwhile, 95 percent of the Moderna vaccine lots had zero death reports, translating to 2,603 deaths associated with five percent of the batches.
Specific batches of the mRNA vaccines distributed between 13 and 50 states across the U.S. had an unusually high number of adverse event and death reports, compared to those distributed to 12 states or less. The CDC concluded that there were “concerning findings that warrant further investigation.”
Melissa McAtee, former quality auditor at the Kansas Pfizer plant, told “World View Report” host Brannon Howse last year that she noticed the vaccine was glowing under certain light. After alerting the company, McAtee said the issue was still ignored. (Related: Pfizer petitions court to dismiss whistleblower lawsuit because government was fully aware of fraud when agreeing to work with company.)
While Pfizer said 90 percent of the employees in the plant were vaccinated against the COVID-19 jabs, McAtee said that wasn’t the case.
“Supposedly half of the plant was not vaccinated or would walk out if they will be forced to submit to the vaccine mandate,” she said.