1. ADHD medications – Can increase suicidal thoughts and actions in children, teens, or adults with ADHD, especially within the first few months of treatment, or when the dose gets changed
#2. Remdesivir for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) – This drug can decimate your kidneys and cause (renal) organ failure
#3. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) – psychotropic drugs given for anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder. Causes (increase of) suicidal thoughts and homicidal thoughts – often the culprit in mass shootings
#4. Cholesterol Medications
#5. Blood Thinners
#6. Oral Chemotherapy
#7. Paxlovid – Pfizer’s “anti-viral” pill – causes rebound of COVID-19 infection
Even when “taken as directed,” these prescription drugs are still much more dangerous than the conditions they are intended to treat
Imagine going to the hospital because you catch a light case of COVID-19, and the doctors, just to be “safe,” put you on prescription Remdesivir, and your kidneys begin failing. Then you realize that you were never even informed that this event is quite common with the drug, and everyone seems to know that fact, but you.
Then there is Paxlovid – Pfizer’s so-called “anti-viral” pill that literally CAUSES a rebound of COVID-19 infection. The CDC itself warns that you could see symptoms “reappear two to eight days after finishing the treatment and testing negative.
How do you like them apples? Rotten to the core. That’s the medical, industrial complex in America literally getting away with murder, and right out in the open. That means that while “managing your risk for severe disease,” the medical doctors are prescribing a drug that puts you at HIGH RISK for severe disease, per their own descriptions of COVID-19 under the lab-concocted, gain-of-function, bat-to-human-jumping, Fauci-and-Pfizer-funded Wuhan Flu. Next comes “monkeypox” prescriptions to protect all Americans from the sex-with-monkeys-anal-warts-human-orgy-syndrome.
Don’t even get started with all these blood thinners, where just about any light bump or bruise to the patient can lead to internal bleeding, which can quickly lead to death. Blood thinner makes the good rat poison, and once the M.I.C. doctors (medical, industrial complex corporate drug dealers) put their patients on these nightmare drugs, they rarely, if ever, let them come off them again.