Amid the film’s release on Wednesday, Marlow noted several pieces of Biden scandal lore, extending to much of a family, which have the Left terrified of the film directed by Robert Davi and written by Brian Godawa.
A definitive breakdown of one of America’s most corrupt families
The “Biden 5” is a term referencing the members of the Biden family whose (apparently) corrupt operations center around “The Big Guy himself.” As Peter Schweizer, author of “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite”, puts it: “Joe Biden is the planet around which the moons of his family travel.”
Hunter Biden: Before his father became Vice President, Hunter was a lobbyist for online gambling companies in Europe. Once his father became the V.P., Hunter quickly became flush with foreign capital, acquiring $1 billion dollars in financing from a Chinese state-run bank and finding himself on the board of a Chinese investment firm, Bohai Harvest RST, netting him 10% equity in the company. Needless to say, he lacked experience in China — or any qualifications to hold such a board seat — aside from, of course, the only criterion that really mattered: his last name is Biden.