There are numerous conspiracy theories and prophecies about global catastrophes, doomsday or the end of times. The global 0.01 per cent of the rich has already prepped for the big day!
Fortified, deep underground-luxury-bunkers called ‘Vivos Europa One’ have been set on tables for takers. By ‘takers’, the makers mean ‘high net worth families’.
Vivos is a company that is ready to provide billionaires with “one of the most fortified and massive underground survival shelters on Earth, deep below a limestone mountain” in Germany.
To the global elite, they offer “the ultimate all-risk protection and life-assurance solution for high net worth families”. However, the access to these large swathes of bunkers will be granted only by invitation to ‘chosen’ billionaires. This static ‘Noah’s Ark’ covers 76 acres of land in area. Each taker would be offered a luxurious space of 2500 square feet in the bunker.