Massive new federal tax funding and grants announced by the Biden administration for “full-service community schools” and “mental health” schemes will accelerate the transformation of what passes for “education” in America — and not in a good way. Basically, parents and families are being sidelined and replaced as government becomes mommy, daddy, and even “god.”
Among other concerns expressed by critics is the fact that the federally funded “full-service community schools” clearly aim to displace parents and church, while making government schools the center of community life. The controversial institutions are taking over everything from mental and dental “health” to nutrition and “community service” under the guise of “helping.”
As explained by the U.S. Department of Education, these federally funded “schools” seek to “meet the social, emotional, physical and mental health, and academic needs of students” by providing “wraparound services.” In other words, they would be more accurately referred to as “parental replacement centers.”
Parents and families are in the crosshairs of the “full-service community schools,” too. Indeed, all over the federal documents on these institutions are references to “family services,” “adult education,” “parent education,” and more. Various federal agencies have referred to parents as “equal partners” with government in the raising of children. But parents are increasingly being made junior partners.
Instead of parents shaping and controlling the government schools, the government schools are moving to shape and control parents, as federal documents show. Those parents who resist or refuse may face escalating “interventions” by government, up to termination of their parental rights by federally funded “child welfare” bureaucrats.