As corporate media tributes to anointed patron saint of Covid Anthony Fauci greeted his announced exit from government “service,” a doctor who advised the Trump White House on Covid had a different take…
n a Monday interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Dr. Scott Atlas bluntly stated that Fauci’s many Covid recommendations not only failed the American public but did real damage. He based his assessment on first-hand knowledge.
“They spared the affluent and the elites at the sacrifice of the poor, the minorities and our children. The sinful and long lasting damage is one of his legacies because those policies of masking, isolating and quarantining healthy children introduced massive fear in them … we haven’t even seen the tip of the iceberg of that damage,” said Atlas, adding that the damage to American children that Fauci-inspired policies had already caused included:
• Skyrocketing self-harm [incidents] by teenagers,
• suicidal ideation,
• mental illness skyrocketing,
• child abuse going unreported,
• massive surges in childhood obesity ….