This week, we all learned how France is arming up 3,000 new “green police” to arrest and prosecute people for so-called “climate crimes” which could mean almost anything, including exhaling carbon dioxide.
Now, The Counter Signal is reporting that the Canadian government is constructing a new climate crimes prosecution and interrogation facility to do much the same thing, only it gets worse: This facility contains interrogation rooms and weapons armories. From TCS:
The Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is building a new facility in Winnipeg that will be home to a firearms armoury, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, “controlled quiet rooms,” and intelligence facilities.
The plans, which were drawn up by a firm in Winnipeg, open a window into Trudeau’s future plans for Climate Enforcement.
Down the hall from the proposed “Firearms Storage” rooms are several evidence rooms, interrogation suites, and adjacent recording rooms.