Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) patronizingly dismisses any concerns about taxpayer abuses by saying, “If you’re not cheating on your taxes, you have nothing to worry about.”
That’s the language of tyrants. I personally went through a three-year dispute with the IRS, which cost me tens of thousands of dollars in attorney and tax accountant fees — until the IRS snoops did a “Whoops, we’re sorry, we were wrong. Have a nice day.” When you are under IRS investigation and the agency places a lien on your bank account, you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent.
Conservatives haven’t (or shouldn’t have forgotten) the outrageous weaponization of the tax collection agency during President Barack Obama’s administration. Obama political appointee Lois Lerner targeted the Tea Party and other taxpayer groups with a conservative orientation.
An accident?
By the way, the Obama team never even apologized, and Lois Lerner ducked out on testifying before Congress. She never went to jail.
Now, the folks at report that the IRS is armed with real weapons — guns, ammunition and military equipment.
“The Internal Revenue Service, with its 2,159 ‘Special Agents,’ spent $21.3 million on guns, ammunition and military-style equipment between fiscal years 2006 and 2019.
The agency stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition.”
How many of the new 87,000 employees will be armed? And why does a tax collection agency need guns, anyway?
This story gets more sordid as we dig deeper. The IRS employee union donates 99% of its money to Democrats. This scam to give the IRS tens of billions of dollars will pipeline millions of dollars into the coffers of Democratic candidates. Does anyone believe that an agency that gives almost every dollar from its PAC to one party is an unbiased referee of our tax system?
I hope no one believes this is to get more money from Bill Gates or Warren Buffett or Mark Zuckerberg. These billionaires have their own armies of tax accountants and lawyers. They have the resources to defend themselves from erroneous IRS tax rulings.
The Republicans in the Senate offered an amendment to this god-awful bill that would have restricted new audits to those making more than $400,000. Every Democrat said no way.
This is because the geese they will pluck are the defenseless small business owners and people who make between $75,000 and $250,000 of income. My friend Dan Pilla, who is one of the experts on IRS abuses, has found that the agency is trying to discourage taxpayers from hiring an attorney or going to court to get their money back.