I can’t tell you how many COVID vaccine injured (especially with neurological issues like numbness, tingling, pain, seizures, etc) tell a story of going to their doctors only to be told “There is nothing wrong with you. It’s all in your head.”
The reason is simple but very important:
COVID vaccine injuries are too small to be detected with the standard tests (including MRI) that doctors do.
I spoke to Ryan Cole recently about this. Mechanisms of damage caused by the vaccines that are too small to see on most tests include (but are not limited to):
1. Temporarily opening up the blood brain barrier
2. Penetration of the LNP containing the spike protein into the brain resulting in inflammation and blood clots inside your brain as well as damage to the cell mitochondria
3. Damage to the myelin sheath protecting your nerves
4. Damage to endothelial cells
5. Micro-clots in your brain and the rest of your body
There are only a few ways to convince your doctor he’s wrong and that you are vaccine injured:
1. Running this test procedure (developed by React-19; thanks to Brianne Dressen for letting me know about this). This is involved, but it is nearly certain to work.
2. Doing a cytokine panel from This is simple, but not as good as #1.
3. Doing a biopsy on your brain or nerves. This is definitive, but few people are going to want to have a brain biopsy just to prove to their doctors that they are sick.