Biden terror crusade against President Trump and We the People, what I’ve pointed out in the Situation Update podcast below are three critical points to understand:
1. One of the goals of the raid on Mar-A-Lago is to try to provoke an armed civil war uprising among the American people so that the DOJ and FBI can label all Trump supporters as violent extremists.
2. The brazen nature of the raid on Trump’s private residence is strong evidence that the deep state plans a major disruption or false flag that would suspend the mid-term elections. It’s clear they are not afraid to violate the rule of law and anger the American people, since they believe they will never again have to answer to the people anyway.
3. The Democrats now believe they have so much power that they no longer need to even pretend to be the good guys. Now, they are just brazenly carrying out acts of terrorism against the American people, with no regard for any blow back because, as stated above, they do not believe they will ever have to answer voters ever again (because there will never be fair and free elections in America as long as they remain in power).
So we are now living under a lawless, tyrannical terrorism regime that’s pretending to be a legitimately elected “democratic” government but is nothing of the kind.
Essentially, this means that no state, no state governor and no American is obliged to recognize the authority of any branch of the federal government under this regime, as the regime is utterly lawless and despotic and has abandoned every mechanism of due process and the rule of law. This regime now rules by force and coercion, not by the consent of the governed. Thus, America has transitioned from a nation of good will and a reasonable social contract of governance to an authoritarian regime that wields its political power as a weapon to destroy the political opposition, media opposition and election integrity.