It’s clear in recent decades, poll after poll shows the extent of the biblical ignorance and moral decline in America which has lead to tragic consequences. A new Gallup survey backs up recent Barna and Pew Research, and the takeaways are consistent: it’s not the church or Christians who are impacting people’s worldview and perceptions of the Bible, it’s modern culture.
In a new Gallup poll last week, alarming and glaring issues were again exposed. First, fewer people think the Bible is actually and literally God’s Word. Just 20% now believe the Bible is the literal word of God which is a decrease of thirty percent since 2011.
People are being conditioned to view the Bible negatively, and merely as man-made rules. At the same time, the religions of Humanism, secular progressivism, LGBTQ ideology, and progressive “Christianity” (the cult of liberalism) are gaining converts.
The fact that God’s Word has virtually been eradicated from the public square is stunning.
The inerrancy of Scripture is foundational to Christianity, and here we have more evidence that deception and falling away from the truth often begins with doubting the inspiration and perfection of the Bible.
Also in the new poll, more than a quarter (29%) of Americans now think the Bible is merely a collection of “fables, legends, history, and moral precepts recorded by man.” This coincides with a rapid increase of skeptics, ignorance, opposition, and biblical illiteracy.