New York City has released a new public service announcement video that advises residents what to do after a nuclear strike on the city. The laughable video almost appears to be a Babylon Bee parody, as it offers residents what can only be described as a “suicide checklist” for dying in a nuclear attack. (See video below.)
The joyfully-presented video advises residents to go into buildings and undress, then shampoo and use soap to wash themselves off. Once done, residents are told to stay indoors until directed what to do by government media sources. Sounds like a quick way to die…
This advice presumes that buildings will still be standing, that running water still works and that the internet and media broadcast stations are all up and operating. These assumptions are absurd.
As the following blast radius map from reveals, just a 1 megaton nuclear strike would produce a fireball (the yellow zone) that engulfs most of Brooklyn, Harlem, Bayonne, the West Side and of course all of lower Manhattan Island. Just from the blast alone, an estimated 1.7 million people would be instantly killed, with 3.1 million more injured. This does not count the effects of radiation fallout: