A 66-year-old Scottish man, who has been giving blood for more than five decades, was recently turned away from a blood donation center because he refused to answer whether he was currently pregnant or had been pregnant in the last six months. Leslie Sinclair, of Stirling in Central Scotland, refused to answer the absurd question which is intended to “promote inclusiveness.”
Great Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) recently launched a campaign to recruit a million more blood donors over the next five years, owing to a falling number of donors during the Covid-19 pandemic. Sinclair, a longtime blood donor, was more than willing to do his part but was nonplussed about the pregnancy question since he is both male and 66 years old.
“I am angry because I have been giving blood since I was 18 and have regularly gone along,” Sinclair told the Daily Mail. “I’m very happy to do so without any problem.”
When told he would not be allowed to donate blood without answering if he was or recently had been pregnant, Sinclair walked out of the clinic.
“I told them that was stupid and that if I had to leave, I wouldn’t be back,” Sinclair said. “And that was it, I got on my bike and cycled away.”