A new disturbing study conducted by Israeli researchers and published in Nature demonstrated an over 25 percent increase in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in the young-adult population after the rollout of corona vaccines. The victims included both men and women. No similar increase was found among those who contracted coronavirus naturally.
The study was examined by fact-checkers from Reuters who criticize social media users that use the findings as proof that the covid vaccine causes heart attacks writing that: “the study itself does not prove a correlation with COVID-19 vaccines, though social media posts suggest that it does.”
Both Israel health authorities as well as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have acknowledged a link between coronavirus vaccines and specific cardiovascular complications. The risk of suffering from myocarditis following a second vaccine dose is currently estimated to be anywhere from 1 in 3000 to 1 in 6000 in men aged 16-24.