The United States is flooding Ukraine with so many weapons that Russia has announced that it must take a more global approach to its “special operation” in Ukraine.
Instead of just dealing with the globalist problem in that country, Russia quickly realizes that all of NATO is its enemy. The axis of evil is much greater than just Ukraine’s puppet government is a simple way of putting it.
“I have some unpleasant news,” said Olga Skabeeva on the Russian state TV program 60 Minutes. “Even though we are methodically destroying the weapons that are being delivered [to Ukraine], the quantities in which the United States are sending them force us to come up with some global conclusions.”
“Perhaps it’s time to acknowledge that maybe Russia’s special operation in Ukraine has come to an end, in a sense that a real war had started: WWIII,” she added. “We’re forced to conduct the demilitarization not only of Ukraine but of the entire NATO alliance.”