For the past several months, the Western media has been manufacturing wild propaganda about Russian troops committing extreme atrocities against civilians in Ukraine. One now-debunked false claim alleged that there is “a systemic, coordinated campaign of sexual violence” by Russian soldiers against Ukrainian women.
It turns out that the whole thing is fake. And the guy who spread this lie, a top Ukrainian “human rights” representative, has now been fired for it.
Lyudmyla Denisova made up a tale about 25 teenage girls who were supposedly gang-raped by Russian troops, resulting in nine of them becoming pregnant. The fake incident was said to have occurred in a basement in Bucha. Elderly women also claimed that they, too, were raped, along with young boys.
TIME and other left-wing propaganda outlets ran with these and other stories, which became increasingly more sensational and over-the-top until they were finally nipped in the bud. As usual, the Western media had no proof other than hearsay, which seems to be the new standard of “journalism” in this country.
It turns out that Denisova was a central figure feeding the Western media outlandish rape stories that she apparently just made up on the fly. And now the chickens have come home to roost for Denisova as she gets exposed for spreading lies about alleged war crimes that never happened.
What other lies is the Western media telling us about Russia?
Denisova’s goal was to paint Russians as “animals” who violently rape and harm anything they see. There were even false claims that Russian soldiers were eating stray dogs, which was another attempt at dehumanizing them and galvanizing Western support for Ukraine in this conflict.