In Germany, the most draconian COVID-19 mandates and restrictions in the world were sold to the public with false data. Just like in America, the German government labeled this a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” They claimed up to 90% of the infected and dead were unvaccinated. Newspaper investigations have found that none of this was true. The government simply classified every sick or dying person as “unvaccinated.” Government officials are apologizing, blaming the “mistake” on a “software error.”
In Alberta, Canada, the government published, then quickly deleted health data exposing that almost 60% of the COVID-19 victims classified as “unvaccinated” were actually among the vaccinated.
It turns out everyone who got sick, was hospitalized or died within two weeks of getting any vaccine (the first jab, or second, or third) was counted as “unvaccinated.”
I'll bet you didn't know the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention play the exact same trick here in the USA.
They know most of the COVID-19 deaths and injuries, not to mention deaths from the vaccine itself (mostly heart attacks) will occur within 14 days of any jab. So, everyone that gets sick or dies in that period is counted as “unvaccinated.”
The most perfect control group ever is the U.S. military. Every young soldier got the COVID-19 vaccine in the past year. To follow the results is the very definition of science.
Military whistleblowers have come forward with Department of Defense medical data showing since the start of the vaccine program cancer is up about 300% among military members; female infertility is up 500%; miscarriages are up by 300%; and there was an astronomical 1,000% increase in neurological disorders from 82,000 to 863,000 in one year.