Category: World War
Vladimir Putin issues chilling warning to UK over giving fighter jets to Ukraine – Mirror Online
The Russian Embassy in London issued a statement saying there would be 'military and political ramifications for the European continent and the entire globe' if the UK provides warplane
Nuclear War….On Going Seriously Boom | The Vineyard of the Saker
Defense is impossible. Missile defenses are meaningless except as money funnels to the arms industry. This is not the place to go into decoys, hypersonics, Poseidon, maneuvering glide vehicles, bastion stationing, MIRV, just plain boring old cruise
Let’s talk about nuclear war – The Burning Platform
In order to be in a position to unleash a first strike, the United States have taken the following measures: they have introduced what they call “super-fuze” technology to their warheads. This causes detonation to occur on