Category: News
Senate Passes Gay Marriage Bill with Religious Liberty Amendments Voted Down | Harbingers Daily
The Senate passed the so-called Respect for Marriage Act on Tuesday, without any of the three amendments that conservatives sought to protect religious freedom and rights of conscience.
The bill, which writes gay marriage into federal law
‘Paper Tiger’: Woke leadership has transformed the U.S. military – World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geopolitics, East Asia Intelligence, China, Geostrategy, Military, National security, Corporate Watch, Media Watch, North Korea, Iran, Columnists:
The finest military equipment in the world is toothless if it is not manned by the finest personnel. And the U.S. military tooth is being hollowed out at its core by woke, corrupt, and incompetent leadership.
DNA is the Constitution of Life and They are Destroying it with Gene-Based Injections – The Expose
You want to know why so many people are falling ill and dying suddenly and what we can do about it?
The answer is really quite simple. A year ago, I wrote about constitutional change, thinking
CDC quietly confirms at least 118k Children & Young Adults have ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA since the roll-out of the COVID Vaccines – The Expose
Official figures quietly published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm nearly half a million children and young adults have died ever since the Food & Drug Administration first granted emergency use authorisation to a
UN & WEF declare “We own the Science” & admit to censoring info on Google & Social Media that destroys the Official Narrative – The Expose
The World Economic Forum held the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings towards the end of September 2022, convening at the same time as the United Nations General Assembly.
In those meetings, UN officials declared that they apparently “own
Investigation finds Europe’s Excess Covid Deaths were not caused by the Virus but instead due to Criminal Healthcare – The Expose
Conclusion ; This led me to three preliminary conclusions that require further investigation:
1. Excess Covid deaths were not caused by the virus which is seasonal and not mitigated by social distancing “measures”.
3. Excess all-cause