“Preschoolers are shamelessly being sexualized by education programs that confuse them to such a degree that they are no longer able to discern whether they are a boy or a girl”
According to German news outlet AUF 1, the gender and LGBTQ re-education of our children is becoming more and more radical and encroaching. Years ago, early sexualization started under the pretext of alleged sex education. In the meantime, this has turned into a systematic re-education intended to disrupt adolescents’ natural development. Moreover, the left’s goal is not to just question the biological origin of gender but to destroy traditional families with a male father and a female mother.
Young children are now being confronted with explicit sexual demonstrations in an increasingly offensive manner. Above all, the left-wing transvestite cult is increasingly ingratiated itself into child-rearing. As a result, government-funded re-education programs are increasingly more evident in the United States while already having their foothold in Europe.
In particular, the Drag Queen story hour also referred to as DQSH, where Drag Queens (men dressed as women) read stories to children at libraries, bookstores, museums, schools, and summer camps.