[image: Anthony Fauci]
It’s 2025, and we’re still dealing with the fallout and ramifications from COVID lockdowns. The inflation bringing down global economies, the devastating learning loss from years of school closures, and the endless masking still visible nearly everywhere.
All based on the assumption from 2020 that COVID <www.outkick.com/category/covid-19> was exceptionally dangerous. The World Health Organization claiming that 3.4 percent of people that contracted COVID would die. Anthony Fauci’s series of press conferences warning that reopening was impossible. The CDC, FDA, other expert organizations and politicians demanding vaccine mandates and passports. The politicians and hospital administrators denying medical care to unvaccinated individuals. A practice that continues even today.
All of it stems from the assertion that COVID was a uniquely, extremely lethal virus. We knew long ago that The Experts were wrong about the mortality rate. And now we have more proof that their misleading estimates, which led to a complete societal breakdown, were absurdly, catastrophically inaccurate.
*COVID Mortality Rate Was Always Exaggerated*
A new study <www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876034125000474> out from a team of researchers including Stanford’s John Ioannidis and Tracy Beth Hoeg examined the infection fatality rate in Austria, a country known for its pandemic extremism. And what do you know, turns out all those ridiculous policies and mandates were never justified.
The study authors used the fact that Austria obsessively tested its population for SARS-CoV-2 in order to calculate the case fatality rate (CFR), meaning the rate of mortality among detected cases, as well as estimate the infection fatality rate (IFR), or the rate of mortality among everyone who contracted the disease, detected or not. Importantly, this estimate covered the entirety of the pandemic, from 2020-2023.
Spoiler alert: it was extremely, extremely low.
Per their research, the overall 30-day case fatality rate was just 0.31 percent, meaning 99.69 percent of people with a detected positive COVID test survived. That’s detected cases, not everyone who actually contracted COVID. And their decision to break it down into 30-day periods is also vitally important.
There’s never been a clear international definition of how governments or experts determine whether someone died *from *COVID or *with *COVID. In some cases, like in the United States, the CDC essentially decided anyone who tested positive from COVID and died of any cause was counted as COVID-related death. With no separation or defined time frame.
It’s not clear how long the time horizons were, but is it theoretically possible that someone who tested positive from COVID and died a year later of completely unrelated causes was counted in COVID statistics? It sure seems like it.
This methodology accounts for that, by limiting it to a specific time frame that, in theory, would be more directly causal.
The overall CFR varied throughout time; the highest time being obviously April 2020, when testing was more prevalent but not widespread. And when the virus ran through nursing homes and the elderly. By January 2022, when nearly everyone had been infected already, leading to increased natural immunity, and milder variants were more common, the detected case fatality rate was just 0.07 percent.
Get detected COVID again in January 2022? Your odds of survival were 99.93 percent. Good thing we shut down society for that.
The authors also found that the highest risk quadrants were, naturally, the extremely elderly. Those aged 85 and above had a CFR of 7.88 percent, with nursing home residents even higher at 7.92 percent. Nursing home residents “accounted for 30.82 percent of all COVID-19 deaths while representing only 1.22 percent of diagnosed infections,” per the study.
This is exactly what the Great Barrington Declaration said as COVID extremism ran rampant in 2020. Protect the vulnerable, those in nursing homes and in higher-risk age groups, while acknowledging that younger people were at little-to-no risk. For saying that obvious truth, eminently qualified scientists were demonized and criticized. Some of which came at the behest of Anthony Fauci and NIH’s Francis Collins, who called them “fringe epidemiologists” and demanded a “quick and devastating takedown” of factual science.
All of this only relates to case fatality rate, which relies on detected cases. And that’s frustrating enough. But the rates are even lower when looking at infection fatality rate.
The authors estimated that there were effectively twice as many actual COVID cases as officials counted. What does that mean? It means the 30-day COVID mortality rate among everyone who actually contracted the virus, throughout the entirety of the pandemic in Austria, was 0.16 percent.
Contract COVID in Austria from February 2020-May 2023? Your chance of surviving was 99.84 percent.
This is the same Austria that mandated N95 masks, that had a lockdown for the unvaccinated that essentially barred citizens from leaving their homes. If they didn’t have a COVID vaccine that was completely useless against infection or transmission, of course. Policies that, stunningly, proved ineffective at reducing transmission.
*COVID Mortality Rate Was Always Exaggerated*
A new study <www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876034125000474> out from a team of researchers including Stanford’s John Ioannidis and Tracy Beth Hoeg examined the infection fatality rate in Austria, a country known for its pandemic extremism. And what do you know, turns out all those ridiculous policies and mandates were never justified.
The study authors used the fact that Austria obsessively tested its population for SARS-CoV-2 in order to calculate the case fatality rate (CFR), meaning the rate of mortality among detected cases, as well as estimate the infection fatality rate (IFR), or the rate of mortality among everyone who contracted the disease, detected or not. Importantly, this estimate covered the entirety of the pandemic, from 2020-2023.
Spoiler alert: it was extremely, extremely low.
Per their research, the overall 30-day case fatality rate was just 0.31 percent, meaning 99.69 percent of people with a detected positive COVID test survived. That’s detected cases, not everyone who actually contracted COVID. And their decision to break it down into 30-day periods is also vitally important.
There’s never been a clear international definition of how governments or experts determine whether someone died *from *COVID or *with *COVID. In some cases, like in the United States, the CDC essentially decided anyone who tested positive from COVID and died of any cause was counted as COVID-related death. With no separation or defined time frame.
It’s not clear how long the time horizons were, but is it theoretically possible that someone who tested positive from COVID and died a year later of completely unrelated causes was counted in COVID statistics? It sure seems like it.
This methodology accounts for that, by limiting it to a specific time frame that, in theory, would be more directly causal.
The overall CFR varied throughout time; the highest time being obviously April 2020, when testing was more prevalent but not widespread. And when the virus ran through nursing homes and the elderly. By January 2022, when nearly everyone had been infected already, leading to increased natural immunity, and milder variants were more common, the detected case fatality rate was just 0.07 percent.
Get detected COVID again in January 2022? Your odds of survival were 99.93 percent. Good thing we shut down society for that.
The authors also found that the highest risk quadrants were, naturally, the extremely elderly. Those aged 85 and above had a CFR of 7.88 percent, with nursing home residents even higher at 7.92 percent. Nursing home residents “accounted for 30.82 percent of all COVID-19 deaths while representing only 1.22 percent of diagnosed infections,” per the study.
This is exactly what the Great Barrington Declaration said as COVID extremism ran rampant in 2020. Protect the vulnerable, those in nursing homes and in higher-risk age groups, while acknowledging that younger people were at little-to-no risk. For saying that obvious truth, eminently qualified scientists were demonized and criticized. Some of which came at the behest of Anthony Fauci and NIH’s Francis Collins, who called them “fringe epidemiologists” and demanded a “quick and devastating takedown” of factual science.
All of this only relates to case fatality rate, which relies on detected cases. And that’s frustrating enough. But the rates are even lower when looking at infection fatality rate.
The authors estimated that there were effectively twice as many actual COVID cases as officials counted. What does that mean? It means the 30-day COVID mortality rate among everyone who actually contracted the virus, throughout the entirety of the pandemic in Austria, was 0.16 percent.
Contract COVID in Austria from February 2020-May 2023? Your chance of surviving was 99.84 percent.
This is the same Austria that mandated N95 masks, that had a lockdown for the unvaccinated that essentially barred citizens from leaving their homes. If they didn’t have a COVID vaccine that was completely useless against infection or transmission, of course. Policies that, stunningly, proved ineffective at reducing transmission.
Those under the age of 20 in Austria had a 99.999 percent chance of survival. Even if they had underlying health conditions or were immunocompromised.
The survival rate for everyone under the age of 40 was 99.996 percent. For everyone under 60 it was 99.96 percent. Even for those under the age of 75 it was 99.51 percent. And again, these numbers don’t distinguish between healthy adults and those with risk factors.
This is what they destroyed their society for, destroyed a generation of children for. A virus with a 99.996-99.999 percent chance of survival for young people.
Even more frustrating is that, while not definitive, the mortality rate for those with prior documented infections was just 0.03 percent, while it was 0.16 percent for those with prior vaccination. The natural immunity cohort was significantly smaller than the vaccinated cohort, making the data a bit noisy, but it once again highlights that discriminating based on vaccination status was not only abhorrent, but scientifically inaccurate.
As was the demonization of unvaccinated people by The Science and their media partners was unwarranted and deserves an apology.
This study serves as yet another reminder of the stupidity of our ruling elites and their mouth-breathing devotion to listening to themselves, and only themselves. Many on the outside of organizations like the CDC, NIH and World Health Organization said throughout the pandemic that we were overreacting. That the blanket restrictions would have tremendous downsides with little benefit. That masks didn’t work, vaccine passports were based on a lie, that school closures were absurd policies, harming children at virtually no risk from COVID. All of these concerns were dismissed because they didn’t come from the right people.
And the “right people” refuse to admit they’re wrong. Forever.
It’s 2025, and we’re still dealing with the fallout and ramifications from COVID lockdowns
All based on the assumption from 2020 that COVID <www.outkick.com/category/covid-19> was exceptionally dangerous. The World Health Organization claiming that 3.4 percent of people that contracted COVID would die. Anthony Fauci’s series of press conferences warning that reopening was impossible. The CDC, FDA, other expert organizations and politicians demanding vaccine mandates and passports. The politicians and hospital administrators denying medical care to unvaccinated individuals. A practice that continues even today.
All of it stems from the assertion that COVID was a uniquely, extremely lethal virus. We knew long ago that The Experts were wrong about the mortality rate. And now we have more proof that their misleading estimates, which led to a complete societal breakdown, were absurdly, catastrophically inaccurate.
*COVID Mortality Rate Was Always Exaggerated*
A new study <www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876034125000474> out from a team of researchers including Stanford’s John Ioannidis and Tracy Beth Hoeg examined the infection fatality rate in Austria, a country known for its pandemic extremism. And what do you know, turns out all those ridiculous policies and mandates were never justified.
The study authors used the fact that Austria obsessively tested its population for SARS-CoV-2 in order to calculate the case fatality rate (CFR), meaning the rate of mortality among detected cases, as well as estimate the infection fatality rate (IFR), or the rate of mortality among everyone who contracted the disease, detected or not. Importantly, this estimate covered the entirety of the pandemic, from 2020-2023.
Spoiler alert: it was extremely, extremely low.
Per their research, the overall 30-day case fatality rate was just 0.31 percent, meaning 99.69 percent of people with a detected positive COVID test survived. That’s detected cases, not everyone who actually contracted COVID. And their decision to break it down into 30-day periods is also vitally important.
There’s never been a clear international definition of how governments or experts determine whether someone died *from *COVID or *with *COVID. In some cases, like in the United States, the CDC essentially decided anyone who tested positive from COVID and died of any cause was counted as COVID-related death. With no separation or defined time frame.
It’s not clear how long the time horizons were, but is it theoretically possible that someone who tested positive from COVID and died a year later of completely unrelated causes was counted in COVID statistics? It sure seems like it.
This methodology accounts for that, by limiting it to a specific time frame that, in theory, would be more directly causal.
The overall CFR varied throughout time; the highest time being obviously April 2020, when testing was more prevalent but not widespread. And when the virus ran through nursing homes and the elderly. By January 2022, when nearly everyone had been infected already, leading to increased natural immunity, and milder variants were more common, the detected case fatality rate was just 0.07 percent.
Get detected COVID again in January 2022? Your odds of survival were 99.93 percent. Good thing we shut down society for that.
The authors also found that the highest risk quadrants were, naturally, the extremely elderly. Those aged 85 and above had a CFR of 7.88 percent, with nursing home residents even higher at 7.92 percent. Nursing home residents “accounted for 30.82 percent of all COVID-19 deaths while representing only 1.22 percent of diagnosed infections,” per the study.
This is exactly what the Great Barrington Declaration said as COVID extremism ran rampant in 2020. Protect the vulnerable, those in nursing homes and in higher-risk age groups, while acknowledging that younger people were at little-to-no risk. For saying that obvious truth, eminently qualified scientists were demonized and criticized. Some of which came at the behest of Anthony Fauci and NIH’s Francis Collins, who called them “fringe epidemiologists” and demanded a “quick and devastating takedown” of factual science.
All of this only relates to case fatality rate, which relies on detected cases. And that’s frustrating enough. But the rates are even lower when looking at infection fatality rate.
The authors estimated that there were effectively twice as many actual COVID cases as officials counted. What does that mean? It means the 30-day COVID mortality rate among everyone who actually contracted the virus, throughout the entirety of the pandemic in Austria, was 0.16 percent.
Contract COVID in Austria from February 2020-May 2023? Your chance of surviving was 99.84 percent.
This is the same Austria that mandated N95 masks, that had a lockdown for the unvaccinated that essentially barred citizens from leaving their homes. If they didn’t have a COVID vaccine that was completely useless against infection or transmission, of course. Policies that, stunningly, proved ineffective at reducing transmission.
*COVID Mortality Rate Was Always Exaggerated*
A new study <www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876034125000474> out from a team of researchers including Stanford’s John Ioannidis and Tracy Beth Hoeg examined the infection fatality rate in Austria, a country known for its pandemic extremism. And what do you know, turns out all those ridiculous policies and mandates were never justified.
The study authors used the fact that Austria obsessively tested its population for SARS-CoV-2 in order to calculate the case fatality rate (CFR), meaning the rate of mortality among detected cases, as well as estimate the infection fatality rate (IFR), or the rate of mortality among everyone who contracted the disease, detected or not. Importantly, this estimate covered the entirety of the pandemic, from 2020-2023.
Spoiler alert: it was extremely, extremely low.
Per their research, the overall 30-day case fatality rate was just 0.31 percent, meaning 99.69 percent of people with a detected positive COVID test survived. That’s detected cases, not everyone who actually contracted COVID. And their decision to break it down into 30-day periods is also vitally important.
There’s never been a clear international definition of how governments or experts determine whether someone died *from *COVID or *with *COVID. In some cases, like in the United States, the CDC essentially decided anyone who tested positive from COVID and died of any cause was counted as COVID-related death. With no separation or defined time frame.
It’s not clear how long the time horizons were, but is it theoretically possible that someone who tested positive from COVID and died a year later of completely unrelated causes was counted in COVID statistics? It sure seems like it.
This methodology accounts for that, by limiting it to a specific time frame that, in theory, would be more directly causal.
The overall CFR varied throughout time; the highest time being obviously April 2020, when testing was more prevalent but not widespread. And when the virus ran through nursing homes and the elderly. By January 2022, when nearly everyone had been infected already, leading to increased natural immunity, and milder variants were more common, the detected case fatality rate was just 0.07 percent.
Get detected COVID again in January 2022? Your odds of survival were 99.93 percent. Good thing we shut down society for that.
The authors also found that the highest risk quadrants were, naturally, the extremely elderly. Those aged 85 and above had a CFR of 7.88 percent, with nursing home residents even higher at 7.92 percent. Nursing home residents “accounted for 30.82 percent of all COVID-19 deaths while representing only 1.22 percent of diagnosed infections,” per the study.
This is exactly what the Great Barrington Declaration said as COVID extremism ran rampant in 2020. Protect the vulnerable, those in nursing homes and in higher-risk age groups, while acknowledging that younger people were at little-to-no risk. For saying that obvious truth, eminently qualified scientists were demonized and criticized. Some of which came at the behest of Anthony Fauci and NIH’s Francis Collins, who called them “fringe epidemiologists” and demanded a “quick and devastating takedown” of factual science.
All of this only relates to case fatality rate, which relies on detected cases. And that’s frustrating enough. But the rates are even lower when looking at infection fatality rate.
The authors estimated that there were effectively twice as many actual COVID cases as officials counted. What does that mean? It means the 30-day COVID mortality rate among everyone who actually contracted the virus, throughout the entirety of the pandemic in Austria, was 0.16 percent.
Contract COVID in Austria from February 2020-May 2023? Your chance of surviving was 99.84 percent.
This is the same Austria that mandated N95 masks, that had a lockdown for the unvaccinated that essentially barred citizens from leaving their homes. If they didn’t have a COVID vaccine that was completely useless against infection or transmission, of course. Policies that, stunningly, proved ineffective at reducing transmission.
Those under the age of 20 in Austria had a 99.999 percent chance of survival. Even if they had underlying health conditions or were immunocompromised.
The survival rate for everyone under the age of 40 was 99.996 percent. For everyone under 60 it was 99.96 percent. Even for those under the age of 75 it was 99.51 percent. And again, these numbers don’t distinguish between healthy adults and those with risk factors.
This is what they destroyed their society for, destroyed a generation of children for. A virus with a 99.996-99.999 percent chance of survival for young people.
Even more frustrating is that, while not definitive, the mortality rate for those with prior documented infections was just 0.03 percent, while it was 0.16 percent for those with prior vaccination. The natural immunity cohort was significantly smaller than the vaccinated cohort, making the data a bit noisy, but it once again highlights that discriminating based on vaccination status was not only abhorrent, but scientifically inaccurate.
As was the demonization of unvaccinated people by The Science and their media partners was unwarranted and deserves an apology.
This study serves as yet another reminder of the stupidity of our ruling elites and their mouth-breathing devotion to listening to themselves, and only themselves. Many on the outside of organizations like the CDC, NIH and World Health Organization said throughout the pandemic that we were overreacting. That the blanket restrictions would have tremendous downsides with little benefit. That masks didn’t work
And the “right people” refuse to admit they’re wrong. Forever.
MORE www.outkick.com/analysis/covid-never-dangerous-experts-claimed