Charles is a major supporter of Schwab’s “Great Reset” agenda and even touted the onset of the Covid pandemic “as the perfect opportunity to overhaul the world’s economy and usher in a ‘fourth industrial revolution’ that transforms government, business, and daily life,” Frankie Stockes noted in an Oct. 27 analysis for National File.
“A longtime attendee at the WEF’s Davos summits, King Charles has for decades been an outspoken champion of the group’s global climate agenda, which includes population reduction on a massive scale,” Stockes noted.
As with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Sunak, 42, fits in nicely with the WEF’s plan to install young leaders who are in lockstep with the Great Reset, which calls for a complete makeover of society run by globalists who want to dictate how the world is run from the top down.
Sunak is a former Goldman Sachs banker with a fortune even bigger than that of King Charles. As prime minister, Sunak has vowed to implement the WEF’s climate initiatives, among other Schwab-backed policies.