*Many blessing from Pastor Dan, *
*Wife Linda and granddaughter Mimi!*
*So nice out today after below 0 weather…snow and Ice….! Most everyone was in a good mood and even the food number are up! Which means more work and food needs for us to scrape up…pray in, without the FATHER we would have nothing and We only have access to HIM because of HIS SON YESHUA our wonderful powerful MESSIAH!*
*Having said that we as most people are working in the red…not good…you know it’s so hard to do this work because it’s all by FAITH…not complaining but we really never know when we are going to have money or not just move on and somehow the needs are me, but it’s very hard BUT we must walk in FAITH to everything because that is the only way to HIM by FAITH!*
*Yes the Mission has great needs and lately my web site numbers are down because the web site went completely down, I do not know how to do some needed thing and even do not have money to buy upgraded things …so like email updates mostly are not going out, I am able to post but I have 1,800 people who subscribed to me for daily updates but are not getting them….yes I have a blessed person helping work on the site but he does not have much time so we wait…if you are one of those subscriber I am very sorry, trying to pray it in…WE ARE TRYING*
* I have not had a scan since they told me without chemo I had 6 months to a year to live if I did not do Chemo as it had spread to my liver… well he then said that he would have to do more blood work to see what kind it was …so I decide nope I needed a second opinion! I have talked with a doctor who cured himself and others from a different way using * *fenbendazole **and Ivermectin but have not been able to afford on a regular basis….*
*I have been doing that with protocel which I was supposed to stay on a year but I stopped because no cancer had showed up after my operation, I did not stay on ayear only 4 months, so then the cancer showed up, but I have been taking protocel and Ivermectin…I have found others I know that have also been using this and it works…taken regularly (that takes money) I also need some other things that should be added but what NO money that is the bottom line NO money..BUT I do have FAITH….*
*Tomorrow I will see the new cancer doctor tomorrow and get a scan and we will see…however I do feel very good and have had no symptoms of liver cancer, so far! *
*So lift us in prayer, help if you can! Consider the Mission first before me….but yes I could really use some help right now, and bless my wife in your prayers as she always sacrifices so much for the people we care for and our family!*
*Today’s video….*
*https://www.facebook.com/sisterlinda7/videos/553544781033344/ <www.facebook.com/sisterlinda7/videos/553544781033344/>*
*IN HIS PERFECT PEACE, Pastor Dan Catlin*
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*Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry*
*http://www.wichitahomeless.com/* <www.wichitahomeless.com/>
*Mailing address for donations*
*230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851*
*Mission Church Address*
*900 south Broadway, Wichita Kansas 67211*
*Phone 316-619-4886 (Text first if possible)*