Will alien technology be a manufacturing differential in the near future? Should you be investing in it?
While many people are skeptical about the very existence of alien life – let alone the viability of utilizing alien tech – the folks at Tuttle Capital are making a big bet on it being a game-changer in the economy and in the markets.
Tuttle has filed with the SEC to invest in ‘reverse-engineered alien technology’ with the ‘Tuttle Capital UFO Disclosure AI Powered exchange traded fund’, which is one of eight new products the manager has registered, regulatory filings show.
*Financial Times* <www.ft.com/content/7b83f0f5-4d03-40c4-b79d-36cc4e247d54> reported:
*“With the ticker UFOD, the actively managed UFO Disclosure AI Powered ETF will invest at least 80 per cent of its net assets in a basket of companies that Tuttle Capital ‘believes have potential exposure to advanced or ’reverse-engineered’ alien technology, spurred by disclosures about UFOs and alleged advanced technologies’, the registration statement reads.*
*Those companies will include aerospace groups and defense contractors that may have research and development programs ‘rumored to work with classified technology, potentially leading to groundbreaking advancements’, the filing says.”*
[image: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/ufos-old-picture.jpg]
Alien tech a differential?
CEO of the company, Matthew Tuttle, has had an interest in UFOs for years.
He believes investing in UFO tech may be the smart move.
*“’I’m a trader. I look at [UFOs] and I say that they’re using a power source that is light years beyond anything that we have. If our government has this technology and it’s released, that will be a game-changer’, he said.”*
The ETFs will be traded on the Cboe BZX Exchange, but they do not yet have set launch dates.
*“The ETF will short companies that are threatened or could be made obsolete because of any ‘alien-level’ technology that is discovered, its registration states.”*
But Tuttle alerts that if information from government disclosures on UFOs are not forthcoming, the product might not go to market.
*“’Government confirmation or denial of advanced alien tech is uncertain, and rumored breakthroughs might never materialize. This entire theme is highly speculative and subject to rumor cycles’, reads a paragraph in the registration statement on the speculative nature of the proposed ETF.”*
Will alien technology be a manufacturing differential in the near future? Should you be investing in it?
While many people are skeptical about the very existence of alien life – let alone the viability of utilizing alien tech – the folks at Tuttle Capital are making a big bet on it being a game-changer in the economy and in the markets.
Tuttle has filed with the SEC to invest in ‘reverse-engineered alien technology’ with the ‘Tuttle Capital UFO Disclosure AI Powered exchange traded fund’, which is one of eight new products the manager has registered, regulatory filings show.
*Financial Times* <www.ft.com/content/7b83f0f5-4d03-40c4-b79d-36cc4e247d54> reported:
*“With the ticker UFOD, the actively managed UFO Disclosure AI Powered ETF will invest at least 80 per cent of its net assets in a basket of companies that Tuttle Capital ‘believes have potential exposure to advanced or ’reverse-engineered’ alien technology, spurred by disclosures about UFOs and alleged advanced technologies’, the registration statement reads.*
*Those companies will include aerospace groups and defense contractors that may have research and development programs ‘rumored to work with classified technology, potentially leading to groundbreaking advancements’, the filing says.”*
[image: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/ufos-old-picture.jpg]
Alien tech a differential?
CEO of the company, Matthew Tuttle, has had an interest in UFOs for years.
He believes investing in UFO tech may be the smart move.
*“’I’m a trader. I look at [UFOs] and I say that they’re using a power source that is light years beyond anything that we have. If our government has this technology and it’s released, that will be a game-changer’, he said.”*
The ETFs will be traded on the Cboe BZX Exchange, but they do not yet have set launch dates.
*“The ETF will short companies that are threatened or could be made obsolete because of any ‘alien-level’ technology that is discovered, its registration states.”*
But Tuttle alerts that if information from government disclosures on UFOs are not forthcoming, the product might not go to market.
*“’Government confirmation or denial of advanced alien tech is uncertain, and rumored breakthroughs might never materialize. This entire theme is highly speculative and subject to rumor cycles’, reads a paragraph in the registration statement on the speculative nature of the proposed ETF.”*