*“Mike From Around the World” has stated that an Earth-Shaking Event is at hand and will affect all of humanity. We also see that Israel is ready to Attack Iran “Early March” and finally we take a look at what happens in the middle of the Tribulation. **00:00 ** Intro **03:18 ** Secret Weapons **07:50 ** Israel to Attack Iran **10:00 ** Leslie’s Prophecies **12:18 ** Important Prophecies **16:37 ** The News **23:05 ** Elon Musk: DOGE **25:01 ** Pope Visit us online at: **http://www.prophecyclub.com <www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWJsamtJZU1xRDhsY0xDOFpXQzB0Q0lBcFVLd3xBQ3Jtc0trSGlKay1iX1lHdzU3N1BNRkpoTnFZLTVRbG9BRmEzRTdqZVNud1RHWGg1cHFyV3RPTlpWNEU1LTk1WFVE…> (video links here also)*
*GO HERE FOR THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZcjI54kdP8 *
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*GO HERE FOR THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZcjI54kdP8
*THE PROPHETIC NEWS SERVICE by MESSIAH’S BRANCH is an independent NEWS & RESEARCH MINSITRY FUNDED only by your kind donations, ANY SIZE DONATION HELPS GREATLY, Please go here to donate! prophecyhour.com/donations/ <prophecyhour.com/donations/> WE ALSO HAVE A MISSION CHURCH FOUND HERE wichitahomeless.com/ <wichitahomeless.com/> *