“People don’t understand how *mental illness* <www.ktvq.com/news/local-news/2-wyoming-fathers-reeling-in-anger-shock-following-shooting-of-daughters-in-byron> isn’t just a willpower thing…it’s chemical imbalances in your brain.” This one sentence sums up perfectly why America is suffering from an alleged mental health “crisis.” It’s decades of misinformation and fraud and it must end.
Cliff Harshman, the husband of Tranyelle Harshman, the Byron, Wyoming mother who shot her four children before turning the gun on herself, believes what he’s been told, what too many Americans believe is responsible for their loved one’s mental health issues – “chemical imbalances.”
Once again, the nation mourns the senseless deaths of three of these children, as one is clinging to life days after the apparent random violent attack. By all accounts, Tranyelle Harshman was a loving, caring and engaged mother. But, according to the father, Tranyelle was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, postpartum depression and general depression and was being “*treated* <www.ktvq.com/news/local-news/2-wyoming-fathers-reeling-in-anger-shock-following-shooting-of-daughters-in-byron>” for her mental health issues.
How was Tranyelle being treated? Was she prescribed an ever-changing, ever-increasing cocktail of psychiatric drugs? Probably. It’s interesting isn’t that reporters never ask what drugs the killer was taking? Why? Why isn’t that the first question asked? It’s not a secret that most of these violent attacks are perpetrated by women who are being “treated” with psychiatric drugs.
Let’s recall *Lindsay Clancy* <www.ablechild.org/2025/02/10/a-psychiatric-drug-reckoning-in-massachusetts/>, the Massachusetts mother, who strangled her three small children then tried to commit suicide, was prescribed 13 psychiatric mind-altering drugs as cocktails over a two-month period. Clancy’s attorney is fighting the criminal charges against Clancy. Many would argue that Clancy’s psychiatrists and the pharmacist should be criminally charged.
Nevertheless, Tranyelle is another mother who, for no apparent reason, inexplicably decided to take a gun and blow her children’s brains out. Yes. It’s time to be real. It’s time to discuss the horrific scene with honesty. It’s time to expose the nightmare that may actually be the result of the psychiatric drug “treatments” the Byron mother was receiving.
The gloves have to come off. These mass killings are happening too often for anyone to poopoo the psych drug/violence relationship. The lie of psychiatric diagnosing must be exposed, and the dangers of the prescribed psychiatric mind-altering drugs must have its day in court.
For those who continue to believe there is no connection between violent behavior and prescribed psychiatric drugs, consider that one in four American adults take at least one psychiatric drug daily and millions of American children are taking antidepressants and prescribed ADHD drugs that resemble cocaine every day.
Now let’s look at some of the known possible adverse events associated with just three types of prescribed psychiatric drugs.
*Zoloft*: emotional lability, aggravated depression, aggressive reaction, aggression, agitation, anxiety, depersonalization, depression, nightmares, mania, hallucination, psychosis, paranoia, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt.
*Trazadone*: Confusion, mania/hypomania, aggressive reaction, agitation (sometimes exacerbating to delirium), anxiety, cognitive impairment, confusional state, delusions, discontinuation syndrome, hallucinations, hypomania, insomnia, mania, nightmares, restlessness, suicidal behavior, suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, abnormal dreams, paranoid reaction, psychosis.
*Seroquel*: agitation, abnormal dreams, aggression, anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, nightmares, suicidal behavior, suicidal ideation, suicide-related events, abnormal thinking, confusion, delusion, depersonalization, hallucinations, manic reactions, paranoid reactions, and psychosis.
Clearly, given the above possible adverse events associated with prescribed psychiatric drugs, one might consider the possibility that the drug “treatments” are the problem. Oh, and let’s add that no clinical trials by pharmaceutical companies have been conducted on the plethora of prescribed drug cocktails.
But, already, the Governor of Wyoming, *Mark Gordon* <wyofile.com/after-byron-tragedy-governor-says-wyoming-must-double-down-on-mental-health-interventions/>, is calling for more mental health intervention. The drug “treatments” aren’t working and, yet here is another lawmaker who wants to increase mental health spending. What part of Tranyelle’s drug “treatment” worked? She didn’t get better; she got more drugged. But the Wyoming Governor says the state must “double down” on combatting mental health issues. The Governor further lamented that “we just don’t have enough resources on a government level.”
The public still has not been advised about the number of psychiatric drugs Tranyelle was prescribed, yet the Governor is ready to run head-first into increased spending on mental health assistance. Did it occur to the Governor that maybe, just maybe, the available data suggest that despite enormous increases in mental health spending nobody is getting better. That the mental health “crisis” gets worse every year?
Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, it’s time to consider what is causing the violence and have a discussion about truth in mental health assistance. That there is no known abnormality that is any psychiatric diagnoses, and that the pharmaceutical companies have no idea how the drugs “work” to treat the alleged mental illness. That is called informed consent.
Cliff Harshman believes his wife’s murderous behavior is due to a “chemical imbalance,” despite the decades old theory having been thoroughly debunked in 2022. Unfortunately, psychiatry and the pharmaceutical companies continue to use the “Chemical Imbalance” theory to sell “treatments” in the form of mind-altering drugs. This is of interest because in 2022 *Professor Moncrief* <www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2022/jul/analysis-depression-probably-not-caused-chemical-imbalance-brain-new-study> laid to rest the chemical imbalance theory, explaining that there is no supporting data and, worse, is unsure whether the drug “treatments” are even safe.
For too many Americans the psychiatric drug “treatments” are not safe and many familiar with the excessive drugging would argue that Tranyelle is another mother who did not receive all the information needed to make an informed decision. If the Byron mother was led to believe she suffered from a “Chemical Imbalance,” that’s fraud and the provider knew, or should have known, it.
The good people of Wyoming don’t need more money thrown into mental health. The state needs to hold special hearings into the exact information that is made available to clients during diagnosing sessions and drug prescribing.
The truth is there is no known abnormality in the brain, that is any psychiatric diagnosis. The truth is the pharmaceutical companies are not sure how its drugs work in the brain for any psychiatric diagnosis. And finally, the truth is there is no supporting data that a “chemical imbalance” exists in the brain to cause any psychiatric diagnosis. If the good people of Wyoming are not receiving this information, they are being frauded.
The state of Wyoming has a responsibility to ensure that its residents are receiving informed consent in mental health diagnosing. If “Chemical Imbalance” is being regurgitated as a reason for mental illness, then informed consent was not provided and someone in Wyoming’s mental health system grievously failed this family.
*Be the Voice for the Voiceless*
Every dollar you give is a powerful statement, a resounding declaration that the struggles of these families will no longer be ignored. Your generosity today will echo through generations, ensuring that the rights and well-being of children are fiercely guarded. Don’t let another family navigate this journey alone. Donate now and join us in creating a world where every child’s mind is nurtured, respected, and given the opportunity to thrive. As a 501(c)3 organization, your *donation to AbleChild* <www.ablechild.org/help/donate/> is not only an investment in the well-being of vulnerable children but also a tax-deductible contribution to a cause that transcends individual lives.
“People don’t understand how *mental illness* <www.ktvq.com/news/local-news/2-wyoming-fathers-reeling-in-anger-shock-following-shooting-of-daughters-in-byron> isn’t just a willpower thing…it’s chemical imbalances in your brain.” This one sentence sums up perfectly why America is suffering from an alleged mental health “crisis.” It’s decades of misinformation and fraud and it must end.
Cliff Harshman, the husband of Tranyelle Harshman, the Byron, Wyoming mother who shot her four children before turning the gun on herself, believes what he’s been told, what too many Americans believe is responsible for their loved one’s mental health issues – “chemical imbalances.”
Once again, the nation mourns the senseless deaths of three of these children, as one is clinging to life days after the apparent random violent attack. By all accounts, Tranyelle Harshman was a loving, caring and engaged mother. But, according to the father, Tranyelle was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, postpartum depression and general depression and was being “*treated* <www.ktvq.com/news/local-news/2-wyoming-fathers-reeling-in-anger-shock-following-shooting-of-daughters-in-byron>” for her mental health issues.
How was Tranyelle being treated? Was she prescribed an ever-changing, ever-increasing cocktail of psychiatric drugs? Probably. It’s interesting isn’t that reporters never ask what drugs the killer was taking? Why? Why isn’t that the first question asked? It’s not a secret that most of these violent attacks are perpetrated by women who are being “treated” with psychiatric drugs.
Let’s recall *Lindsay Clancy* <www.ablechild.org/2025/02/10/a-psychiatric-drug-reckoning-in-massachusetts/>, the Massachusetts mother, who strangled her three small children then tried to commit suicide, was prescribed 13 psychiatric mind-altering drugs as cocktails over a two-month period. Clancy’s attorney is fighting the criminal charges against Clancy. Many would argue that Clancy’s psychiatrists and the pharmacist should be criminally charged.
Nevertheless, Tranyelle is another mother who, for no apparent reason, inexplicably decided to take a gun and blow her children’s brains out. Yes. It’s time to be real. It’s time to discuss the horrific scene with honesty. It’s time to expose the nightmare that may actually be the result of the psychiatric drug “treatments” the Byron mother was receiving.
The gloves have to come off. These mass killings are happening too often for anyone to poopoo the psych drug/violence relationship. The lie of psychiatric diagnosing must be exposed, and the dangers of the prescribed psychiatric mind-altering drugs must have its day in court.
For those who continue to believe there is no connection between violent behavior and prescribed psychiatric drugs, consider that one in four American adults take at least one psychiatric drug daily and millions of American children are taking antidepressants and prescribed ADHD drugs that resemble cocaine every day.
Now let’s look at some of the known possible adverse events associated with just three types of prescribed psychiatric drugs.
*Zoloft*: emotional lability, aggravated depression, aggressive reaction, aggression, agitation, anxiety, depersonalization, depression, nightmares, mania, hallucination, psychosis, paranoia, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt.
*Trazadone*: Confusion, mania/hypomania, aggressive reaction, agitation (sometimes exacerbating to delirium), anxiety, cognitive impairment, confusional state, delusions, discontinuation syndrome, hallucinations, hypomania, insomnia, mania, nightmares, restlessness, suicidal behavior, suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, abnormal dreams, paranoid reaction, psychosis.
*Seroquel*: agitation, abnormal dreams, aggression, anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, nightmares, suicidal behavior, suicidal ideation, suicide-related events, abnormal thinking, confusion, delusion, depersonalization, hallucinations, manic reactions, paranoid reactions, and psychosis.
Clearly, given the above possible adverse events associated with prescribed psychiatric drugs, one might consider the possibility that the drug “treatments” are the problem. Oh, and let’s add that no clinical trials by pharmaceutical companies have been conducted on the plethora of prescribed drug cocktails.
But, already, the Governor of Wyoming, *Mark Gordon* <wyofile.com/after-byron-tragedy-governor-says-wyoming-must-double-down-on-mental-health-interventions/>, is calling for more mental health intervention. The drug “treatments” aren’t working and, yet here is another lawmaker who wants to increase mental health spending. What part of Tranyelle’s drug “treatment” worked? She didn’t get better; she got more drugged. But the Wyoming Governor says the state must “double down” on combatting mental health issues. The Governor further lamented that “we just don’t have enough resources on a government level.”
The public still has not been advised about the number of psychiatric drugs Tranyelle was prescribed, yet the Governor is ready to run head-first into increased spending on mental health assistance. Did it occur to the Governor that maybe, just maybe, the available data suggest that despite enormous increases in mental health spending nobody is getting better. That the mental health “crisis” gets worse every year?
Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, it’s time to consider what is causing the violence and have a discussion about truth in mental health assistance. That there is no known abnormality that is any psychiatric diagnoses, and that the pharmaceutical companies have no idea how the drugs “work” to treat the alleged mental illness. That is called informed consent.
Cliff Harshman believes his wife’s murderous behavior is due to a “chemical imbalance,” despite the decades old theory having been thoroughly debunked in 2022. Unfortunately, psychiatry and the pharmaceutical companies continue to use the “Chemical Imbalance” theory to sell “treatments” in the form of mind-altering drugs. This is of interest because in 2022 *Professor Moncrief* <www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2022/jul/analysis-depression-probably-not-caused-chemical-imbalance-brain-new-study> laid to rest the chemical imbalance theory, explaining that there is no supporting data and, worse, is unsure whether the drug “treatments” are even safe.
For too many Americans the psychiatric drug “treatments” are not safe and many familiar with the excessive drugging would argue that Tranyelle is another mother who did not receive all the information needed to make an informed decision. If the Byron mother was led to believe she suffered from a “Chemical Imbalance,” that’s fraud and the provider knew, or should have known, it.
The good people of Wyoming don’t need more money thrown into mental health. The state needs to hold special hearings into the exact information that is made available to clients during diagnosing sessions and drug prescribing.
The truth is there is no known abnormality in the brain, that is any psychiatric diagnosis. The truth is the pharmaceutical companies are not sure how its drugs work in the brain for any psychiatric diagnosis. And finally, the truth is there is no supporting data that a “chemical imbalance” exists in the brain to cause any psychiatric diagnosis. If the good people of Wyoming are not receiving this information, they are being frauded.
The state of Wyoming has a responsibility to ensure that its residents are receiving informed consent in mental health diagnosing. If “Chemical Imbalance” is being regurgitated as a reason for mental illness, then informed consent was not provided and someone in Wyoming’s mental health system grievously failed this family.
*Be the Voice for the Voiceless*
Every dollar you give is a powerful statement, a resounding declaration that the struggles of these families will no longer be ignored. Your generosity today will echo through generations, ensuring that the rights and well-being of children are fiercely guarded. Don’t let another family navigate this journey alone. Donate now and join us in creating a world where every child’s mind is nurtured, respected, and given the opportunity to thrive. As a 501(c)3 organization, your *donation to AbleChild* <www.ablechild.org/help/donate/> is not only an investment in the well-being of vulnerable children but also a tax-deductible contribution to a cause that transcends individual lives.