The Book of Revelation and other end-times prophecies seem bizarre and unrelatable to many Christians. In a world of materialism, society trains our minds to believe only what we see. Our minds are elsewhere, lingering on workplace troubles, a new car, a vacation, or our children’s sports.
Living in the “real” world, we are numb and distracted from the spirit realm. And so we are unaware of the true nature of the world’s powers and blind to the nefarious workings of dark forces.
So is it any wonder why most Christians can’t relate to the Book of Revelation? Is it any wonder why Christians dismiss one of the most relevant Biblical books for our time?
It is hard for Christians today to accept the strange Biblical accounts of the deceiving serpent, the giants, and the global flood as reality. So how could these Christians believe that in our time, the four horsemen could ride, fallen entities from the deepest part of the underworld could ravage mankind, or angels could release cosmic destruction upon the earth?
But these concepts are easy to believe for a small portion of the population. These people have experienced the darkness of spiritual realms and the beings within them. In a world of “seeing is believing,” they have seen. And so they have firsthand testimonies of the entities we have only read about in the Bible.
So in this post and several to come, let’s walk on the fringe, where eyewitness testimony meets Biblical strangeness. Weigh every testimony against the word of God and see how bizarre the intersection of flesh and spirit is.