With the Hebrew word Ish and Isha ((איש – אישה, i.e. man and woman), one comes closer to an age group. In the biblical story of creation, Adam and Eve are presented as man and woman, or adults. Whether 18, 27 or older I don’t know. But I understand from the Hebrew Bible text that Adam was neither a baby nor a child nor a teenager. At this point I would also like to refer to the interpretation in the Jewish Midrash Breshit Raba, which assumes that Adam was 20-years-old when God created him. The reason: 20 years is the beginning of adulthood, until then man grows.
When Pharaoh’s daughter pulled Moses out of the water, she opened the reed basket and saw a child inside, Yeled (ילד) in Hebrew. “Then Moses’ sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, ‘Shall I go and call a Hebrew nurse to suckle the infant (ילד) for you?'”